Livia Belkova Krupar

Livia is a Slovak photographer now living in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, with her partner in life and photography, Tim Krupar. 

Even though she majored in political science and worked in tourism, she has always felt the urge to connect with others visually. In recent years, photography has taken over all aspects of her life, inspiring her to travel with her husband to different photogenic cities around the world.

Her favorite photos have more than just a quality of documentation - they have something unexpected, something magical. She is most often drawn to shooting around reflective surfaces, enjoying the way they make for layered, surreal, abstract, collage-like images. Livia believes that first and foremost photography should be fun, and playful, where the photographer feels free to experiment with their surroundings to arrive at unique, seemingly unreal perspectives, achieved simply by paying attention to and experimenting with different surfaces that can add an extra element of magic to their photography.


Nina Welch-Kling | Germany


Tim Krupar | US